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Development of Multi Model Data Portal "Saptarang"

The CES group has developed scientific tools which provide huge range of model outputs to distinct user communities working in meteorology, oceanography, atmospheric and air quality research sectors. Technology based tool for air quality management of has been developed which is extensively applicable to different user categories.

UrbAirIndia: A Decision Support System for Indian Urban Air Quality Management

UrbAirIndia is an integrated web based GIS enabled system for Indian urban air quality management. It provides science based decision for reduction of air pollution. It is an expert system that deals with various components of air quality management viz. air quality monitoring, emission inventory, dispersion and receptor modeling, and multiple scenario analysis. Therefore, it is expected to provide useful inputs to policymakers for taking air quality management decisions, environmental researchers for analyzing scientific data, public as an information portal. Besides establishing an automatic framework for strategies to reduce pollution, UrbAirIndia can be used to assess air pollution impacts from present and future development for a sustainable future.

The system combines air quality monitoring data of user defined campaigns/Projects, emission inventory, query mechanism for data analysis and future scenarios, dispersion and receptor modeling with plug-play facility using GIS platform. UrbAirIndia has four major components,

  • Air Quality Monitoring
  • Emission Inventory
  • Dispersion Modeling
  • Receptor Modeling


Saptarang": Development of Multi Model Data Portal

CES Group from last 20+ years has generated a range of simulated model outputs of meteorology, oceanography and air quality with huge database system which renders online images using high end technology. This online database “Saptarang” hosted on http://saptarang.cesgroup.in contains model outputs of global & regional atmospheric model, air quality model, ocean model, coupled atmospheric-ocean model developed by C-DAC and its numerous derived products. The team has ran different models related to Air Quality, Atmospheric and Ocean. This total data has now become in TB's. To save time of researchers and scientists they have provided this data for their research and study purposes. The concerned user can use this data for doing many type of activities like,

  • Plotting graphs,
  • Generating Animation,
  • Data Searching
  • Downloading Data

For simplicity, Web Based Portal is provided, by which user can select different parameters, wind vector, temperature, moisture, precipitation, salinity, density, sea surface temperature, sea surface height, ocean mixed layer depth, planetary boundary layer height, particulate matter (PM10) etc with query based spatial and temporal selection.
