The Free Press Journal
March 21, 2023
Forest Fire Spread Simulation system designed using high performance computing system to be launched on Gudi Padwa
The product has been designed in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur) and the Department of Science and Technology (Sikkim).
Last year, a report released by the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) showed that the intensity and frequency of forest fires in India have gone up. But with no accurate mechanism to mitigate it, the devastation it causes is huge.
However, considering this, the Center for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) has designed a product for the timely evacuation of people to reduce casualties and control the spread of the fire. The product has been designed in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology (Kharagpur) and the Department of Science and Technology (Sikkim).
Giving details, Director General of C-DAC E Mageh said, “On this occasion, we are happy to announce the launch of indigenously developed products and solutions. The products include a Forest Fire Spread Simulation System, an online course on software security, and a Critical Infrastructure Security Training Kit."
Products will be launched on Marathi New Year
Keeping a tradition of launching a product on Foundation Day, the Centre for Development of Advance Computing (C-DAC) on its 36th Foundation Day will be launching three new products. The products will be launched on Tuesday on the occasion of Marathi New Year (Gudi Padwa) at the hands of renowned scientist Ragunath Mashelkar.

Forest Fire Spread Simulation is designed by using a high performance computing system by C-DAC
Forest Fire Spread Simulation is designed using a high performance computing system. The system will get activated after fire is detected by the satellites. It will inform the Forest Survey of India alrets to dashboard, HPC driven forest fire spread simulation faster than real time, localised fuel parameterisation and proximity based on SMS alerts.
It is based on an open-source coupled atmosphere-wildfire model. Using the parameters acquired from satellite or provided by the forest officials on the ground the modelling framework can provide a potential fire spread area up-to the next 48 hours. This will be helpful for disaster management authorities in mitigation planning so as to safeguard lives and properties.
The other two products include
Online Course on Software Security: The online course on Software Security; focuses on writing resilient software and is relevant to every software engineer. Experiential learning is in the form of videos, lab experiments, evaluation and is augmented with mentoring support. The course is of 30 hours (two months).
Critical Infrastructure (CI) Security Training Kit: The kit provides a realistic environment for users to understand attacks on the SCADA environment. Users trained on this kit can build the required network topology, and realize attack scenarios w.r.t. software applications for controlling industrial processes. It is embedded with necessary simulated components like Remote terminal units (RTUs), Programmable logic controllers (PLCs), switches, firewalls etc running over single board computers communicating through SCADA protocols.