
Computational Atmospheric Sciences: services

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Weather data consultancy/services

The following data is available with C-DAC

  1. Existing surface data (Hourly) with 4-km grid from 2009 to till date
  2. Real Time data (Hourly) with 4-km grid
  3. Customized data as : Monthly statistics; Daily and monthly rainfall; Daily and monthly temperature
  4. Wind data at 10-m height (for Wind/Solar Energy applications)
  5. Availability of customized weather as per demand time to time


  • ANUMAN - Mobile based Real Time Weather system
    Anuman, jointly developed by CES and VC & BA groups of C-DAC Pune, offers the latest weather updates on mobile. It provides hour to hour weather forecast over 50000 locations all over India using high resolution weather model output, generated using C-DAC's National PARAM Supercomputer.more »

  • Kaalavastha
    Weather forecast is useful to protect life, property and efficiency of agricultural operations. "Real Time Weather Forecast for Kerala AEZ" provides the weather information of next three days for the agro ecological units of all districts in Kerala State.more »

  • UrbAirIndia
    UrbAirIndia is an integrated web based GIS enabled system for Indian urban air quality management. It provides science based decision for reduction of air pollution. It is an expert system that deals with various components of air quality management viz.

  • Saptarang
    CES Group from last 20+ years has generated a range of simulated model outputs of meteorology, oceanography and air quality with huge database system which renders online images using high end technology.


For purchasing Real Time high resolution weather forecast data and historical data, kindly contact CES group, at cas@cdac.in